Wednesday, January 05, 2005

What's on the menu this evening sir?

Damnit! I applied for three jobs in the last few days and I may have actually gotten one. I'm now going to be one of many people who work two jobs to survive.

This new job is part time at a Chinese restaurant answering phones and helping customers at the front desk. It's not a job that requires much skill, and I will only be working three nights a week. On the other hand, it will require me to do what I haven't done in over six months--deal directly with the public.

The one thing that I love about my full time job, other than having every weekend off, is the fact that I don't have to perform customer service on any level. I don't even have a phone at my desk. I just sit at my computer and write copy all day. No dress code, no forced smiles, no awkward social contact.

I'm working this weekend at the restaurant for two days so the owner can see if I "fit" the position. I'm going to use this probationary period to see if the job "fits" me as well.

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