Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I guess this is growing up

So I've decided that I'm moving to Boston to pursue a career in advertising. I don't know if graduate school is the smartest choice, but I just can't pass up the opportunity. I would always regret it if I did. It's exciting but also stressful. My relocation is a mere four months away! Insanity.

I'm not sure if this means I'm giving up as a writer, or if it's something I will pursue in the future. Moving out of Los Angeles, and even California, does feel symbolic because it still seems like the center of the universe to me. I'm used to being wrapped up in the world of Hollywood/celebrity/fame-- and I honestly believe that anyone who grows up in this area does hold some tucked away dream of being discovered or entering that lifestyle. To leave it behind is somewhat sobering. I feel like a child when they find out that Santa Claus doesn't exist.

On the other hand, as I've gotten older the thought of traveling has become more appealing. I don't want to turn 50 and realize I've lived my whole life in the same place. Now I will be able to experience the east coast! I am also in the early stages of planning an extended trip to Europe, probably in the summer of 2008.

Life is too short to spend so many hours in this godforsaken cubicle! And I certainly don't look at my marriage as any excuse to "settle down." Settling down is what kept me from wanting to be married. On the contrary, I feel like getting rowdy. Boston, (and of course New York!) here I come!

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