Monday, August 30, 2004

Girls' Night

So my girlfriends and I just got finished watching Sex and the City reruns (our weekly ritual that continues even though the show has ended) and P decided to chop off her hair! A, the multi-talented stylist and fashion designer is chopping off her hair as we speak, and I am living vicariously through them. I can't cut my hair until after the wedding...but before this time period I was the friend with short hair. I love short hair, and I miss it.

But A cut her hair last night, and now P is getting hers trimmed up to her ears, and I'm experiencing the excitement second hand. Go P! I'll catch up next year the day after I get back from my honeymoon. It will be fabulous.

That's what you get when you mix red wine, sex talk, and crazy ass girls.

Long live girls' night!

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