Tuesday, November 02, 2004

I don't care anymore

Having been immersed in the upcoming election for the last year, I am simply relieved that it's almost over. I voted for Kerry, for reasons previously stated, but I have to say that after I voted last week with an absentee ballot I started to doubt myself. And I hate to admit this...but I do feel a slight tinge of relief that it looks like Bush is in the lead. I think I started to feel it after my fiance, who is a strong democrat, made this comment: "Well, it looks like Bush is going to win and Osama will have to crawl back into his cave for a few years." That comment gave me the chills. I think that even though sometimes Bush's cowboy, kick ass arrogance is obnoxious, it does make some people feel a bit safer. The logical truth is that we are no safer today than we were before 9/11.

As a feminist, I strongly disagree with Bush's domestic policies. I'm scared to death that he will choose the next Supreme Court Justice and overturn Roe VS Wade. I hate the fact that Bush wants to ban gay marriage. And why the fuck does Bush preach against scientific advances like stem cell research! He's a Neanderthal.

But when it comes to foreign policy, I'm just not sure that Kerry has the backbone to pull us through Iraq and the war on terror. I like the fact that Bush has the guts to tell the UN to fuck off every once in a while. Especially France & Germany, countries that were at one time in bed with Saddam. Why the hell did the French fly Yasser Arafat to their country for medical attention when he is a supporter of terrorism? I like the fact that Bush is on Israel's side against suicide bombers and Arafat.

Those are really the only issues that make me lean slightly towards Bush. I guess it comes down which issue is more important right now: Domestic Policies or Foreign Policies?

NO, you know what, it comes down to the fact that I don't really like either candidate. I give up. I just want it to end. I'm giving myself frown wrinkles.

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