Thursday, September 16, 2004

I’ve been following the saga of the LA County Seal lately, and I’m so fed up with this type of political nonsense. Just because the ACLU is threatening to sue the county over a ridiculous matter like a small cross on our county seal, council members in LA have voted to spend over $800,000 to change the seal. Now, I’m not religious, but HELLO—this county is called “Los Angeles.” It was founded by Spanish christian missionaries. The tiny cross on the seal is entirely HISTORICAL. What’s next, they decide that the names of our cities like LA and Santa Monica, and Sacramento, and San Diego are offensive too because they make religious references??? Why should we spend the money to change the seal because it offends some idiotic organization? This is how stupid the situation has gotten: they also plan to remove the representation of oil and the goddess Pomona. Are you fucking kidding me? I can understand that if a courthouse has the ten commandments listed above the doorway, that it is crossing the line into promoting a religion and it should be removed. I’m a reasonable person, but this whole situation is just a waste of time. And the new seal is just as politically incorrect, if not more:

"The new proposed seal is a waste of time, money and more importantly, depicts a barefoot, subservient Native American which is an insult to all people of color. It is A SLAP in the face of the Native American Culture and Historical contributions of the Missions of California", said David R. Hernandez.

So anyways, there’s going to be a petition to make these moronic politicians leave the Los Angeles County seal alone, or at least let the people vote on it. I plan to sign it. And by the way, if the ACLU does sue the county, chances are we will win, and it won’t cost a cent. Lawyers are already offering to argue the case for free. Why should we pay to change the seal when every month emergency rooms and hospitals are being closed in southern California? It’s insane.

I usually avoid discussing politics—not because I don’t have an opinion or aren’t informed—but because I usually get discouraged with other people’s partisan views. I’m not republican or democrat, and I think that both parties are too narrow-minded to get things right. Blanket labels like conservative and liberal are just stupid; everything depends on the situation. For the most part, I guess I would say that I’m conservative when it comes to economics; I think that capitalism is effective for those who believe in personal responsibility. That’s not to ignore the fact that racism, classism, and sexism DOES exist in society and gives some people unfair social obstacles. But I hate the victim mentality. As a society, we should work towards equality and fairness; but as individuals, we shouldn’t blame society for our lot in life. I have compassion for those who grow up with less opportunities than others, but I also truly believe that there are some opportunities for everyone if they work hard enough. I’m liberal when it comes to social issues. The government shouldn’t take away my right to choose or tell me who to marry.

As far as the election, I’m not a die-hard Bush hater like some people, but I won’t vote for him for several reasons—no woman should.

If he stays in office, there’s a very good chance that Roe VS Wade will be overturned and we will lose our right to choose.
I hate that he tried to pass a federal ban on gay marriage. As far as I’m concerned, homosexuals in this country are facing horrible civil rights violations and we should all be marching in the streets to support them.
Bush wants to grant all illegal immigrants in California BLANKET amnesty. This is why our hospitals are crowded and being closed down. This is why I sit in hours of traffic every week. This is why Al-Qaeda is getting into the country. Because both republicans and democrats refuse to protect our borders. I really wouldn’t care that so many people from Mexico were crossing the border, except that our economy in California can’t handle it. And by the way, if I traveled to France, I would assume that it was my responsibility to learn French. That seems to be common sense to me. Sorry if that seems politically incorrect.
While I can’t say that I think Saddam should be back in power, I don’t think it’s our job to “police” and “save” every crappy country around the world. It’s not our fault that the ungrateful Iraqi’s couldn’t save themselves and overthrow a dictator. Even now, they can’t come together and get their country running properly. We should have left them alone so they could eventually help themselves. Those soldiers dying over there are just kids, and that breaks my heart.
Bush has done nothing to stop terrorism. It was true before 9-11 and it’s true now. I think in some ways he ignored the warning signs because he knew that a terrorist attack would help his presidency and give him more power.

That’s why I can’t vote for Bush—because in every issue that’s important to me, including illegal immigration, which you’d think as a republican he’d act differently on—I disagree with him. If he gets elected, the crazy right-wing conservative nut jobs will have control over the entire country. Kerry seems drab, but much less harmless. And for the record, Michael Moore is an idiot. I saw his film and it should not be called a documentary. It was political propaganda, and it only looked at one side of the issue. Things aren’t that simple, and I felt that the way he addressed people in his narration was condescending and arrogant. In my opinion Moore is a liberal Rush Limbaugh (whom I also despise). My views closely resemble the attitude of KFI's John & Ken--it's a great talk-radio show.

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