Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Ridicule breathes a sigh

I haven't been gaining weight, but I can't seem to get rid of these 15 extra pounds that got tacked on when I started college. I've been telling myself to lose the weight for five years now. Why can't I follow through?! I'm just disgusted with myself and it makes me cranky. I always joke about how I'm an eating disorder waiting to happen, but I don't even have the discipline to follow through with that!

The good news for the week is that I got a job (Yay me! They offered me more money than I asked for!). Hopefully the stress of this new responsibility will speed up my metabolism... I won't be sitting at home all day watching Oprah, so that's a step in the right direction.

I had the strangest interview this week at an advertising agency. This guy asked me who my favorite authors were, and when I gave him a few names he stopped me mid-sentence by blurting out, "Oh, I don't read, so I have no idea who you are talking about." I was like OKAY, then why the fuck did you ask me that question?

I really hate interviews. Even when they go very well, I walk out of the room analyzing every question and every answer with great unease. Interviews epitomize the awkward aspect of social interaction that I loathe. I don't think you can judge how well a person is for a job by judging their response to an interview. It's like judging the strength of an ant by the way he reacts to being held under a magnifying glass in the sun.

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