Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Nip/Tuck Superfan

Nip/Tuck is the greatest show EVER.

Yes, I am cynical, sarcastic, critical of pop culture, and sometimes just plain bitter. But I’m also a walking contradiction who loves shows that proudly embrace the cultural disintegration of society with gratuitous sex, drama, and dysfunction. We all have our junk food weaknesses, and mine is television. I was a die-hard 90210 Fan, I watched Melrose Place from beginning to end, and, even though I’m not the biggest reality television show enthusiast, I loved Temptation Island (season 1).

But Nip/Tuck has surpassed them all. Last night I was so excited over the alternate reality of Julia, that I could hardly contain myself! The thing about this show is that it’s not just mindless melodrama like Melrose Place was; Nip/Tuck has REAL emotion and interesting psychological implications, along with the over-the-top sex and surgeries. The dialogue is amazing. It’s the most creative show I’ve ever seen on TV.

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